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Korean food

Korean cuisine #6 Sinseollo (Royal Hot Pot)

by dokkaebi 2021. 3. 31.

  Sinseollo (Royal Hot Pot)  

The essence of Korean food is court food. Among them, the most representative food is Sinseonro. Sinseonro was originally the name of a pot with a flower thong, and the name of the food was ‘Yolgujatang,’ but now it has been changed to the name of food. 'Yolgujatang' means'a delicious soup that fits your mouth'.


    Food that builds harmony   

Lee Gyu-tae said, “Shinseon-ro is the most developed jap-chwi container, and its various ingredients are incomparable to any dish. At the same time, the food that combines different foods of the five colors of the five colors and eats them together in one pot makes different thoughts, opinions, arguments, and political colors in harmony, and the food that establishes future promises and contracts is Shinseon-ro. .” and praised it.


Sinseonro is more like a soup than a hot pot, although there are a lot of ingredients to be considered as tang-ryu. In old food books, most of them were classified as gang or tang, meaning soup, but in books after the 1950s, they were also classified as hot pots.


In 『Donggukse Period』, the origin of Sinseon-ro goes back to before Sodongpa in China, but in 『Haedong Jukji』, a story related to the simple eating of Heo-am Jeong Hee-ryang is told not to match the luxurious food of the present day. . “Jeong Hee-ryang, who was a leader in Yeonsan-gun, was a man who fortunes his own destiny because he wrote poetry well and was good at yin-yang, but after living in Guiyang in Uiju during Muosahwa, he went into a deep mountain saying that there will be a bigger story afterwards. While his family was looking for it, they saw his sandals and superiors by the river, thought they were drowned in the water, and performed a ritual on the day they left the house each year.



However, he became a middle man under the name of the two thousand years and was wandering the landscape of the whole country. One day, Toegye Lee Hwang enters the mountain and reads 『The Leading Role』, and an old man was next to him and taught him what was wrong. Lee Hwang recognized that he was Heo-am and begged him to come to the world, but he refused and suddenly disappeared. Heo-am lived as a ancestor, but according to the climate of freshness, he put several vegetables in one furnace and cooked it. Later, after he went to Seonggye, people came to call it Shinseon-ro.” The same content is conveyed in Hong Seon-pyo's 『Cooking of Chosun』.


The word “Shinseon-ro” first appeared in “Dongguk Tax Period” and was previously called “Yolgujatang bowl”. The fresh rotor is usually made of organic, silver, or stone. Among the relics of the Gaya era dating from the 5th to 6th centuries, there is a gobae with a through hole in the middle of this type of earthenware. The shape is similar to that of Shinseon-ro, but there is no way to know its purpose.


The first document in which Sinseon-ro food appeared was called “Yolgujatang” in the 1700s Chinese food book “Sumunsa-seol”, written by Yeok-gwan, Lee Pyo, in the 1700s. “There is a separate boiling and cooking utensil. It is shaped like a large sum and has feet and fire. A round barrel is standing in the middle of the sum, and the lid is raised high to the outside of the lid, and the lid has a hole in the center, so the cylinder protrudes from the top. When a charcoal fire is made in this cylinder, the wind enters the furnace and the flame goes out through the hole in the middle.


Pork, fish, pheasant, mussels, sea cucumber, beef sheep, liver, cod, noodles, meat, dumplings, etc. are put around the bowl, and green onions, garlic, taro, etc. are evenly mixed. The taste is very good. How many people sit around and eat it with chopsticks, and scoop the soup with a spoon and eat it when it's hot. This food is very suitable for gathering and having a dinner. This appliance that Koreans bought and brought is very good for private outdoor gatherings or for sitting and drinking on winter nights.” Buying an appliance for this book means that it was bought from China.


In 『Im-wonsib-yugji』, “a coffin is made of brass, and an iron ruler is placed in the center. The shape is like a jar with a wide mouth and has a lid. Charcoal fire the length of a finger is put in, and the circumference is made up of a pond, and 7 to 8 bowls of water are added. After adding water, pour soy sauce, close the lid, and boil over charcoal fire in a pot. When the hot water boils and the ingredients are evenly cooked, it is eaten with a spoon.”


  Sinseonro is not Chinese food   

Namseon Choi wrote the following about the history of Shinseon-ro in 『Joseon Common Senses and Answers』. “If foreigners think of Chosun food, it must be a dish that has become famous and has great characteristics, but it is by no means a unique dish of Joseon. In Chinese food, the same bowl as our Sinseon-ro is called'hot guore', and there is a custom to cook fish meat and vegetables by making a charcoal fire in the middle of the bowl and boiling soup on the edge of the bowl. It's actually the same. We are not simple fish meats and vegetables, but boiled and boiled with a variety of ingredients. In some ways, it seems to be more complicated than hot pot, but in China, there is a food that is decorated similarly to our Sinseonro because it is called ‘Sikgyeongdae’. Given this fact, there is hardly any doubt that the shipbuilding line of Joseon came from China. In an old Chinese writing, a meeting to drink and eat warmly in a cold winter is called a hearthhoe, which is an interesting word.”


In 『Dongguksegi Period』, “In Seoul's customs, charcoal fire is lit in the middle of the furnace, sits around and put on a griddle, and the beef is seasoned with oil, soy sauce (jin soy sauce), eggs, green onions, and garlic to eat while grilling. This is called a hearth meeting. Since October, I enjoyed it as food when I was able to prevent the cold, so this is the old narrative. In addition, beef or pork is mixed with radish, other, hunchae, and eggs to make Jangtang, which is called “Yolguja Sinseonro”.


In Chinese literature, the terms'Yolgujatang' or'Sinseonro' are not found at all, but they are foods that use the same shape as our Shinseonro. There are several types such as hwagwa. In the Chinese diet, hot pots are the last, and are omitted unless there is a special curb. I enjoyed eating it from cool autumn to cold winter, and there are various ingredients such as shellfish, fish tank meat, and small vegetables.


In 『Jinchanuigwe』 and 『Jinyeonuigwe』, which are documents that describe the food of the royal banquet, Yeolgujatang is written in Chinese characters. There is a document called'Shinshenro' in Korean. Tangshin-seol-ro and noodle-sin-seol-ro were served at a royal feast. As it is written, it seems to be a kind of hot noodle that is boiled in a fresh roaster and then taken out and rolled into noodles.

 Preparing and cooking ingredients  

Gomtang Street (Sadage or Brisket) 200g, 200 g of Gonzasoni, 200 g of amount, 20 cups of water, 2 green onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 radish (medium) (400g), 300 g beef, 1 carrot (large) (200g), 6 eggs, 20 g of Stone mushroom, 100 g of parsley, 200 g of chop, 150g white fish, Salt and pepper powder, appropriate amount of flour, dry shiitake (large) 6, red pepper 4, walnut 6, ginkgo 20, pine nut 2 tbsp

(A) Soup sauce 10 cups of broth, 2 tablespoons of cheongjang (conventional soy sauce (soy sauce)), 1 tablespoon of salt, a little pepper

(B) Gomtanggeori seasoning: 2 teaspoons salt, 4 tablespoons chopped green onion, 2 tablespoons minced garlic, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, ½ teaspoon ground pepper, 300g beef

(C) yukhoe seasoning 4 teaspoons chopped green onions, 2 teaspoons minced garlic, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, a little black pepper

(D) ball seasoning 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons chopped green onions, 1 teaspoon crushed garlic, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, ½ teaspoon pepper powder

※ Unit of measurement 1 teaspoon-5ml(cc) / 1 tbsp-15ml(cc) / 1 cup-200ml(cc) / 1 doe-5 cups (1,000ml)


1. Boil Gomtanggeori: Trim each of the silkworm, brisket, sheep, and gonjsoni, pour 20 cups of water into a large pot and boil. Add the lump meat and intestines, then add green onion and garlic clove. When the meat is half cooked, put the radish and carrots whole, boil it, and when it is cooked, all the dried vegetables are removed, and the soup is seasoned with the seasoning of (A). Slice the boiled meat and radish flat and mix evenly with the seasoning of (B).


2. Make yukhoe and ball: Cut 200g of beef into flat and small pieces, mix evenly with the seasoning of (C), chop 100g finely, and knead it with the seasoning of (Ra) to make a ball with a diameter of 1.2cm.


3. Egg Zidane: Soak the stone mushrooms in hot water and rub them with your hands to remove the moss inside and chop them finely. Divide 4 eggs into hwangbaek, add salt and loosen well. Divide the white in half, mix chopped stone on one side, and leave the half as it is. Put oil in a square pan and serve three colors of white (egg white), yellow (egg yolk), and black (sukyi).


4. Inviting parsley, dried shiitake: Trim the parsley to make it evenly long, skewer it into squares with fine skewers at both ends, mix flour evenly, and cover it with a well-wrapped egg. Soak the dried shiitake in cold water to remove the pillar, and cut the red pepper in half to remove the seeds.


5. Adapted whole fish: Take a piece of chewette, rub it with salt, wash it, put in a small sheath, scoop out a wide cloth for fish, sprinkle a little bit of salt and pepper on each, then spread the flour evenly, cover with loose eggs, and fry the pancake on a griddle. The meatballs in 2 are also cooked with flour and eggs and rolled.


6. Nuts care: Peel the walnuts, soak them in hot water, and peel them off. Remove the skins of the ginkgo biloba, put oil in a pan, stir-fry, and rub with a dry dishcloth. Peel the pine nuts and trim the cones attached to the pointed side.


7. Chopping Zidane, Jeon, and Vegetables: Cut all the vegetables prepared above, such as water parsley, fresh fish, shiitake, red pepper, and boiled carrots, into a 3cm-wide rectangle. Place it in a wide bowl, matching the color.


8. Decorating with Sinseonro: Place the gomtanggeori and radish seasoned in 1 at the bottom of the freshness roaster, and spread the seasoned raw meat evenly on top of it. After that, put the zidane, jeon, and vegetables in 7 according to the color and put the trimmed nuts and meatballs on the top with a nice garnish.


9. When you have all the ingredients, boil the soup in 1 and pour it into the fresh roaster. Cover the lid, put well-heated charcoal in the middle of the oven, boil it a little, and serve on the table.




